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Your Body Holds The Wisdom
I’m Here to Help You Unlock It
I’m here to awaken you.
I want for you to experience healing through a more whole-body approach; bringing together the alignment of you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically.
My goal is to have you expand beyond your current reality, life situations, obstacles or diagnosis to discover purpose, value and self-healing. To experience a profound sense of vitality, peace, and connection in your every day life.
xo, Christie
My Story
I worked in the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare world for 20 years and have always been fascinated by how the body works. Fueled by my love and curiosity of science and the human body, I majored in Chemistry. But Energy Work? I knew very little…until my children were born.
In 2010, I delivered my twin boys prematurely at 26 weeks which landed us in the NICU for 118 days. They weighed only 1½ lbs each. I felt helpless and paralyzed with fear.
It was then that I learned the power of energy healing — during the moments when I couldn’t physically touch my sons due to how fragile & vulnerable they were, I would place my hands slightly above them. They could feel me. Their vital signs would improve when my presence was there, it was healing for them.
I saw the body in a whole new light — and my journey of continuous learning and training in the realms of mind-body-spirit connection, functional medicine, and holistic health has never stopped.
And now I’m here to share my knowledge and gifts with you.
meeT ChRIstie
Christie Lorentz is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) and Professional Mind Body Spirit Release® (MBSR-P) Practitioner with a deep belief in the infinite potential that resides within every individual. She is a catalyst for change, guiding her clients to tap into their fullest potential by helping them release the blocks that hold them back, including negative cellular imprints from past experiences and trauma. Christie is passionate about empowering individuals to lead lives of authenticity, abundance, wealth, and purpose.
“Mind Body Spirit Release® is like this special “behind the scenes” magical power that starts changing your life and you don’t even realize it until one day you realize your life is so much better”
Release trapped emotions in the body and experience whole-life healing: